Reference: 0 928 402 014
Brand: BOSCH
BOSCH 0 928 402 014 Hose, fuel overflow
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
(edit with the Customer Reassurance module)
(edit with the Customer Reassurance module)
(edit with the Customer Reassurance module)
Manufacturer | Model | Engine | Engine info | Years | Note |
MERCEDES-BENZ | A-CLASS (W169) | A 160 CDI (169.006, 169.306) | 1991 ccm, 60 kw, 82 hp | 2004 - 2012 | Construction year to : 04/2012, Left-/right-hand drive vehicles : for left-hand drive vehicles, not for exhaust-emission standard : Euro 5 |
MERCEDES-BENZ | A-CLASS (W169) | A 180 CDI (169.007, 169.307) | 1991 ccm, 80 kw, 109 hp | 2004 - 2012 | Construction year to : 04/2012, Left-/right-hand drive vehicles : for left-hand drive vehicles, not for exhaust-emission standard : Euro 5 |
MERCEDES-BENZ | A-CLASS (W169) | A 200 CDI (169.008, 169.308) | 1991 ccm, 103 kw, 140 hp | 2004 - 2012 | Construction year to : 04/2012, Left-/right-hand drive vehicles : for left-hand drive vehicles, not for exhaust-emission standard : Euro 5 |
MERCEDES-BENZ | A-CLASS (W169) | A 200 CDI (169.308, 169.008) | 1991 ccm, 100 kw, 136 hp | 2004 - 2012 | Construction year to : 04/2012, Left-/right-hand drive vehicles : for left-hand drive vehicles, not for exhaust-emission standard : Euro 5 |
MERCEDES-BENZ | B-CLASS (W245) | B 180 CDI (245.207) | 1991 ccm, 80 kw, 109 hp | 2005 - 2011 | Construction year to : 05/2011, Left-/right-hand drive vehicles : for left-hand drive vehicles, not for exhaust-emission standard : Euro 5 |
MERCEDES-BENZ | B-CLASS (W245) | B 200 CDI (245.208) | 1991 ccm, 103 kw, 140 hp | 2005 - 2011 | Construction year from : 04/2005, Construction year to : 05/2011, Left-/right-hand drive vehicles : for left-hand drive vehicles, not for exhaust-emission standard : Euro 5 |
MERCEDES-BENZ | B-CLASS (W245) | B 200 CDI (245.208) | 1991 ccm, 100 kw, 136 hp | 2005 - 2011 | Construction year from : 04/2005, Construction year to : 05/2011, Left-/right-hand drive vehicles : for left-hand drive vehicles, not for exhaust-emission standard : Euro 5 |
Reference: 0 928 402 014
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 445 130 027
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 102
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 445 130 118
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
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Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 081
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 445 130 100
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 445 130 068
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 398
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 177
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 445 130 202
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: F 01G 001 019
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 005
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 445 130 060
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 121
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 066
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 615
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 463
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 586
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 168
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 067
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 406
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
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Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 451
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 218
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 044
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 445 130 103
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 549
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 445 130 136
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 381
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 517
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 542
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 317
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 623
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 445 130 056
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 194
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 538
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 445 130 007
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 024
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 149
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 445 130 166
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: F 01G 001 018
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 019
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 593
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 621
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: F 01G 000 012
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 445 130 187
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 445 130 014
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 073
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 445 130 129
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 541
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 101
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 043
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 613
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 012
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 445 130 262
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 583
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 445 130 022
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 445 130 192
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 474
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 175
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: F 01G 000 01H
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 594
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 318
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 387
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 160
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 445 130 008
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 059
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 581
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 089
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 552
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 212
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 589
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 115
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 515
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 445 130 128
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 445 130 146
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 035
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 539
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 401
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 013
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 590
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 216
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 585
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: F 01G 001 01B
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 611
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 095
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 497
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 080
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 098
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 445 130 169
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 483
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 047
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: F 00E 200 355
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 064
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 445 130 104
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 400 480
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 445 130 001
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)
Reference: 0 928 402 195
Brand: BOSCH
Fuel Mixture Formation : Common Rail (CR)